What if the Purpose of Living is to Have the Joy of Embodiment?

Bars Facilitator, CFMW,
Body Process Facilitator,
Facelift Practitioner

Empowering you to know that you know.

Are you seeking something that’s missing in your life?  Have you had moments of joy and peace and yet, nothing stays for too long?  What if you’re not wrong?   In fact, what if your desire for something better, more, greater than just what we see in this reality is a strongness of you?  I am so glad you’re here, thank you for following your knowing and asking for more.  

I was asking those similar questions and when I found the tools of Access Consciousness Bars and Body Processes, it was different than all the other modalities I’ve tried.  The energetic tools are pragmatic, fun to play with, making my life better and I was happier! The greatest part was it was easy, all I had to do was lay down and receive!  I wonder what you can create with them?  Are you ready to choose something totally different?  How does it get better and what else is possible? 

How May I Contribute?


Bars in Business, Organizations & Teams

Stress and burn out related symptoms can cost your company time, resources and profitability. What if a Bars session can contribute to the mental wellbeing of business associates, staff and teammates? It can elevate creativity, innovation, brain cohesion and productivity.


Become a Bars Practitioner

Learn how to run Access Bars in one day and have this relaxing and destressing tool at your fingertips to create greater in all aspects of your life. When you gift a session, you get a session, how does it get any better than that? Also, you can make money running Bars if you choose it!


Bars in Schools

What would the world be like with empowered kids? Access Bars can have a dramatic effect on kid's mental health in just a 20-minute session. It reduces stress & anxiety when taking tests, can clear the monkey mind, aids in capacities to retain and extrapolate information, promote relaxed focus, creativity and resiliency. What are the possibilities for your school to have happier students, teachers, staff and parents?

What can we create together?

With the tools of Access Consciousness, what ease, joy and glory can we create, in life, relationships, business, community and more? 

What are the infinite possibilities for having a life that actually works, that’s rewarding, more fun than we can imagine and that has the possibility to get greater each and every day? 

All of life can come to us, our bodies and business with ease, joy and glory!

Ready to try something different?  

Tiffany Tichota   

Twin Cities, Minnesota

NE Nebraska                

